Initiate consortium fulfillment requests for items in another institution from Alma
In our consortium, we would like to be able to place requests for items in other institutions on behalf of our patrons in Alma.
Scenario: a patron (dean, faculty member, etc) calls the circulation desk asking if an item is owned by the library. Circ operator searches Alma and finds the item in a consortium library. Circ operator SHOULD be able to request item in Alma from the patron's record. Right now, circ operator has to tell the patron to search Primo and request on his or her own.
Florence Lanz (UBE) commented
Has this idea been implemented since 2022? I am asking as it is still possible to vote for it.
Lori Stethers commented
Responding to @LInda Michelle Weinberger's comment -- this request for functionality is still relevant. I believe what you are describing is placing a Resource Sharing request. My institution uses the Fulfillment Network but not Resource Sharing and we don't have a Network Zone. We are unable to place Fulfillment Network requests on behalf of our patrons.
Linda Michelle Weinberger commented
Is this something Alma already has the functionality for, that was never taken off the exchange? Granted I am writing this 4 years later from the latest comment, so this may be moot. Staff have the ability to go into Alma and request an item on behalf of our patrons from another UC (University of California) school in our Consortium. You go to Borrowing Requests then Add from search.You make your search for the item you want in the Network Zone (or even your own institution for that matter) and select it. When the form comes up you can enter any patron you want. It is not direct from the patron record, but the basic desired ability for staff to request on behalf of a patron is there. There may be other ways depending on your set up. Maybe it has more to do with role permissions or how your Fulfillment Network is configured if you are still unable to do this.
Lori Stethers commented
We would like to see this for Fulfillment Network as well
Andrew Welch commented
We would like this functionality to be extended to Fulfillment Networks as well as consortia.
Andrew Welch commented
At minimum, add the ability to search Fulfillment Network (FN) patrons in the Requester field of a Physical Item Request, like we can in Manage Patron Services, Return Items, and Scan in Items.
Use case: one of our patrons requests an item from Interlibrary Loan (or from our shelves, but we discover the item is missing), and we want to convert that to a Fulfillment Network request. Currently, we have to contact the patron and direct them to Primo, where they must find the item at a FN library and place the request themselves. To make things more seamless for the patron, we would like to be able to contact a FN library and have them initiate a Physical Item Request for our patron. In order for that to happen, the Requester field must be able to find patrons at another institution.
Ideally, we would like the ability to complete the request in Alma ourselves by looking up the FN item and placing the request. This would be similar to the "Initiate consortium fulfillment requests for items in another institution from Alma" idea (, but for Fulfillment Networks as well as consortia. This would first require the ability for FN libraries to search each other's items in Alma, as consortia can.
Linda Lerman commented
Our fulfillment manager always provided this extended service for administrators and for faculty via our department liaisons before we went live on Jan. 9, 2017. Not having this option in Alma results in a lower level of service for our primary users .
Russ commented
Clearly this funtionality is essential. The Fulfillment staffs and managers must have the ability to step in to provide timely support for patrons experiencing a wide range of access issues that are beyond their control.
Anonymous commented
I work in ILL with resource sharing (not Circ), however, you should be able to request an item for your patron from another library in your consortium through the "Repository Search" feature, faceted to the "Network" tab. Then search using "physical item" + "keyword," and either title/OCLC number/ISBN or what have you. Find & choose the item by clicking "resource sharing request," and use their barcode/ID/name to make your patron the requester.
Perhaps your roles are restricted from doing this as a Circ operator?
Janice commented
It is important for our circ staff to be able to do this for our patrons.
Joy commented
Absolutely! This is an important feature for patron service.
Anonymous commented
Please make this more of a developmental priority.
Anonymous commented
This needs to happen. Please expedite.
Cindy commented
Yes, we would love to see this option too.
S. Strohm commented
Yes, this needs to be done. An option we need
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea and it would make it much easier for our patrons.