Return All button required on Manage Patron Services > Loan tab
As a complement to the Renew All button which is available under the Loan tab of Manage Patron Services, we would like to push for the addition of a Return All button too.
The workflow of our capacity management and shelf-checking staff is such that the entire contents of an Internal Processing user account frequently require discharging all at once. Being able to do this by the touch of one button, rather than painstaking wanding of barcodes in Return Items, would provide a quick and elegant solution.
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Alma Product Team
Anonymous commented
or also a "return selected" option just like the "renew selected" button. I am finding a lot of times, I will want to renew one book and return another book from a patron record. I am finding too many clicks are required for basic functions in ALMA.
Wendy commented
I agree- sometimes it is necessary to discharge all of a patron's items at once without having the items in hand. As it stands now I must open a second instance of Alma, then copy and paste barcodes into the "return items" window one at a time. This should not be necessary.