Add ability to abort jobs when they are for information only, such as when exporting data or running overlap analysis
Currently it is more common than not for jobs in Alma to be missing an option to Abort them under Monitor Jobs > Running.
This is a highly frustrating situation where the only option is to open a Support case to request for the job to be aborted, and wait days for response.
In the meantime, staff work is completely halted for this while we wait for Support.
It is understandable that the Abort option is not present in cases where there could be negative impact on records, such as initiating an job update to change the records.
But it is not reasonable to not have an Abort option when the jobs are for scenarios such as an export from the CZ Update Task List and by Overlap and Collection Analysis.
In such workflows, the jobs may stall when extremely large, and with an Abort option the user could start again with a smaller export or smaller data set comparison.
But instead right now we have stuck Overlap job for 3 days and have had cases when the CZ export was running for several weeks.
This request would save on both library staff time and Support analyst time, to give control to the library to abort such information-only jobs in no-impact scenarios when the jobs are clearly stalled, and ensure that library work can continue.