Alma APIs Multilingual Code-tables
We’d like to request an enhancement to the Alma API that would allow PUT and POST requests to include translation updates. Currently, only GET requests support the lang parameter for retrieving localized data, while updates ignore these descriptions. Enabling translation updates via API would streamline content management across languages, making it easier to keep localized information current and consistent.
Updating code tables for around 80 patron-facing letters in three different languages via the web UI is extremely time-consuming and inefficient. Allowing translation updates through the API would greatly improve this process, making Alma more effective for multilingual institutions.
We’d also like to highlight an inconsistency: the addressFrom field, which represents an email address, is language-dependent in the current setup. Since email addresses are universal and not language-specific, it would make more sense for this field to remain constant across all languages.
Allowing language-neutral fields like addressFrom to remain consistent would simplify multilingual management and avoid unnecessary duplication across language settings.