Notes, expected receiving date and storage location ID for items should be visible in list view
When searching for physical items in the repository search it would be practical for a note field to be visible from the search result list. In advanced search for physical items, you can search for internal note 1-3, statistical note 1-3 and public note, it would save time if you could see these without editing each item. Using the existing option for adding and removing columns in the repository search (manage column display) you should be able to choose which of these fields you would like to be visible. These fields should then be included when you download an excel file of the search results. This would eliminate needing to use analytics to retrieve a list of items with notes, and would make this operation available to more users, since not everyone has training in Analytics.
Another field which should also be visible, from the repository search for physical items, the list of items under a bibliographic record and the list of items under receive – manage items, is the “expected receiving date” of the item. This is critical information which often have to be checked, and if you need to check this date for several items (which is often the case) it would save a lot of clicks if it was visible in the list view.
The field “Storage location ID” has been added as a column in the list of items from repository search, which has been very helpful, but this field should also be added to the list of items in the receive screen (Acquisition – receive – One time/continuous – manage items). It is in this screen that information is usually added to recently received items and where we would edit the Storage location field. It would for that reason be practical to see this field in the list of items during the receiving workflow and it would make it easier to remember to edit this field.