Order of action buttons in the POL
In the new PO line interface, the action buttons available when creating a POL is not in a practical order, which causes a lot of our staff to press “save” instead of “save and continue”. This causes the POL to remain in status “in review”. The user also must use more energy to locate the correct action button. We have two different suggestions for solving this:
Move the actions “Save and continue” and “order now” to the right part of the menu line and have this be marked in a stronger color than the other buttons. In the current design the buttons located here have a bolder blue color, which could be continued. Adding more color could also be an idea, perhaps one button in red (the most used), then the secondary buttons in bold blue, and the rest the same color they are today. Using different colors would visually make it easier for the user to find what they are looking for.
Our other suggestion (and what we think would be the best option) is to make this row of buttons customizable for each user. We would then like to be able to customize the order of the buttons, removing unused buttons, and have some of the buttons be in a bolder color. We imagine this could function in the same way the available fields and the order of these can be customized in both the PO line task list and the POL in the new layout. Different libraries have different workflows and needs, and this would mean that the layout could be optimized for each library and for each of their users.