Contribute to CZ records : GND Authority File for 1XX/7XX Fields
A library wants to enhance CZ Bibliographic Records, one is asked by ExLibris to comply to their cataloguing standards (Alma Community Catalog: Cataloging Standards, Policies, Rights, and Responsibilities ( On page 7 of those standards it is stated:
"Since we have a one record policy in the CZ, the issue of languages has been the most challenging part of the solution. The current decision is that the language of the item dictates the language for cataloging. (…) Similarly, the forms of name used as authorized access points in the record should be consistent with the language of cataloging--– LCNAF if 040 $b eng, GND if 040 $b ger, etc."
Now, if the librarian try to edit a field 100 in a CZ record and press F3, she/he gets only the LCNAMES displayed. She/he cannot access GND, IdRef or any other authority file provided by the CZ.
Bibliographic data in CZ is becoming increasingly important. For normalization in Primo of bibliographic data in NZ with those in CZ to work, normalization of bibliographic data in CZ with authority data is essential.
The idea: For bibliographic data in the CZ, F3 can be used to link the fields 1XX/7XX with authority data by using $$2 for the vocabulary

Sebastian Aigner commented
We would very much appreciate, if CZ records we use were, at least a part of them, were linked to GND records instead of LCNames, since this is the authority file we also use for our own NZ and IZ records.