Add flags to tabs in vendor interface record area
We noticed the little corner/flag is not changing on the vendor interface details tabs when we add administrative information/access information/statistics information. We thought it would show like the notes tab with a dark corner when we enter information so we know that we have stuff in these tabs. We thought it was a glitch, so we reported to Ex Libris. They said it is by design:
The answer is that it is by design. The little corner flag is an indicator that there is system or user generated content like populated tables or lists. It doesn't indicate that form data has been filled in.
The documentation on it is here:
The tabs that you have asked about are tabs that only have forms where data is filled in, not tables that are configured.
I would like to advocate to have the corner flag show anytime on a tab that has user content input into it, especially on the vendor interface tabs. This way we will know if we have entered admin credentials or not.

Stacey van Groll commented
I agree that the current development is misleading and unclear. It is completely obvious that there is a user expectation immediately established that the presence of such a visual element indicates a user-generated change, regardless of by form, text, whatever.
And that this visual element being not present indicates no such change.
It feels like lazy development that this feature was not made complete to match this user expectation and the desirable outcome to have Alma clearly indicate all user-generated changes without having to constantly click to see this instead.