Add a tab to Manage Sets that shows Sets linked to Publishing Profiles
From Admin - Manage Sets we can see My Sets, Public Sets, and All Sets. It would be useful for there to be a way to more easily distinguish and find sets that are used in Publishing Profiles. As more and more integrations with third party services rely on Publishing (HathiTrust, Google Books, RapidILL, BrowZine, Syndetics, etc.) more and more sets need to be created and maintained and occasionally tweaked if locations or libraries are added, removed, or changed, or if new materials within the sets become unshareable for some reason.
The current workflow to find the right set is to find the right publishing profile, open it up, notice the set name, and then go and search the set in Admin - Manage Sets.
My proposal is to add a fourth tab in addition to My, Public, and All that is called something along the lines of "Published" or "Publishing" Sets. Forgive my crude drawing in the attachment.
Within that tab, the list would contain the set name, the publishing profile name, the last time it was published, as well as the other columns and the same three dot menu options as other sets.