Add option to close library for borrowing or lending requests based on format of request
A library can close for borrowing or lending requests and include dates when the library can't process borrowing or lending requests. It would be helpful and provide more efficient processing of borrowing and lending requests if requests could be deflected by format.
As a borrowing library, there are times when a patron's article requests could be processed and sent to a lending library, but a physical request can't be processed.
Borrowing physical requests may not be possible because the physical library building is closed, and the item can't be delivered to the location.
It would be helpful to have the addition of format, physical and digital, to "Temporarily Inactive for borrowing" with an "Inactive dates range" for physical format and an "Inactive dates range" for digital format. This allows patrons to continue to enter requests for formats that can be filled.
As a lending library, there are times when a library can supply physical items but not be able to process digital requests. This may because of staff expertise in handling digital requests.
It would be helpful to have the addition of format, physical and digital, to "Temporary Inactive for lending" with an "Inactive dates range for physical format and an "Inactive dates range" for digital format. The ability to deflect lending requests for formats the library can't fill quickly provides better service to the borrowing library.
Manu Schwendener commented