Interested In Letter – improvement to the usability
When working on a purchase request, you can tick a box if you would like to notify the patron upon receiving/activation, and upon cancellation.
OTB the Interested In Letter sends the same message when the request is received or cancelled. The letter in use does not seem designed for the cancellation message.
This creates a discrepancy between what we choose to notify the patron of, and what we are actually able to communicate.
Since we neither have access to the message table used as an input to this letter, or the opportunity to differentiate by using labels, we are forced to hard code most of the editing. This applies to both different messages, and different languages. This is tiresome work, and hard to maintain.
We would like a subject line that accurately reflects the content of the email (e.g., "Library Order Cancelled" or “Item received/activated”).
The same issue applies for the message to the patron (label = Youwerespecify). We need to differ between each possible use of the letter.
One solution would be to add labels in the table. For instance:
In addition to the Youwerespecify label, we would also like:
The XSL must then be enriched to integrate these new labels.
A labels table designed for all three scenarios would also make it easier to edit all languages in use.