Some Important Shortcuts in Alma and OCLC -- Consider User Friendly Changes
Some often used shortcuts in Alma are similar to those used in OCLC Connexion, except for their function. Control + D will delete a record in Alma (and any keystroke after the shortcut is interpreted as confirmation by the popup window), but in Connexion the same shortcut adds a delimiter $.
F8 keyboard function in Alma adds a field, but in OCLC it produces and adds a new record. Many of us, especially special collections catalogers use first OCLC and then Alma for local notes.
Please, consider shortcut changes, which support both important platforms, used daily by many of us. The shortcuts could be the same across the platform, or at minimum not have two different functions for one and same shortcut.
Especially important would be to change “Control + D” shortcut. It takes time to recover records, which are accidentally deleted.