Add a function to automatically notify users when a Resource Sharing Request converted to an ILL request via ALMA API
We implemented the ALMA API to convert Resource Sharing Request to Illiad ILL request. Currently, we can't find a way to automatically notify users when their requests being converted/transferred to Illiad. Since processing the ILL requests usually take longer than processing a regular consortium wide Resource Sharing Request, it will be very helpful to notify users automatically about this information.
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Alma Product Team
JoLinda Thompson commented
We also would like a way to automatically notify users when their Resource Sharing Request gets converted to an ILLiad request via the Add on/API. We opened a case on the Support Portal (#00977946) and response was that this could be done manually with Send to patron query button but not automatically. Depending on when a request is placed it could be several days before staff can send the notice manually. Meanwhile the user would no longer see their request in their Primo Library Account and might not know to check their ILLiad account.