Set Linking Parser Parameters at the Interface level
It would be more efficient to set the Linking Parser Parameters at the interface level, with an option to override the parameter at the Service Link level.
For example, I want to set our university's ProQuest clientid at the ProQuest interface level rather than have to open each of our 20+ ProQuest collections to edit the Service Link Parameters.

Jessica Hartwigsen commented
I wanted to add to this idea. Elizabeth is correct in stating that linking parameters cannot be updated in the Change Electronic Collection job. I also, use the E-Collection Quick Update app in Alma, to make updates to collections but linking parameters are not included in that update app. Please consider adding batch update of linking parameters. Thanks!
Jessica Hartwigsen commented
When investigating this option, please do not forget what impact that might have on the NZ. It would be nice to batch update the Client ID, especially since I have to do it 24 times for each ProQuest collection in the NZ but I don't know if that would be possible for the NZ. Thank you.
Elizabeth York commented
I'd like to note that it is possible to make many linking parser parameters changes for multiple collections at the same time using the Change Electronic Collection Information Job, including setting the parser and parser parameters. That being said, the example given in the Idea Exchange Request, swapping out the ProQuest ClientID is not one of them (probably because the job only includes fields common to all collections, and different services require different IDs). I'm not sure if Ex Libris could make it possible to batch edit the ID fields that are not common to all collections/services. If they were to implement such a feature, I would hope they would add it to the Change Electronic Collection Information Job too.