Allow institution to determine which type of Bibliographic record will be created when creating a Purchase Request
This idea was submitted by Ex Libris product management team in order to better understand the need as well as get feedback from the community.
Current situation:
- A purchase request can be created from Primo/Leganto/Alma
- A purchase request must rely on a Bibliographic record, there are 2 options for the purchase request to match on a Bibliographic record:
- Match to an existing Bib record (if exists)
- Create a new Bib record (this is the use case described below)
When creating a purchase request, the user has the option to decide whether it is a "One Time" purchase (Book) or "Continuous" (Journal) AND which material type should be purchased (Physical or Electronic) - see attached screenshot 1.
The way that the Bibliographic record is created (currently) is that upon creation of the purchase request, Alma looks to see the default template which is set by the institution (in the MD Editor) and a Bib record is created with material type according to this template.
The need:
Purchase request can create 4 types of PO lines (as you can see in screenshot1):
- Physical book
- Electronic Book
- Physical Journal
- Electronic journal
The Bib record which will be created as a result from the creation of the purchase request will only have the type which is set in the default template in the MD Editor
So in certain scenarios, a Purchase Request which was created for Electronic Book
will create a bib record was with type "Physical-Book", why? Because this is the default template set in the MD Editor.
Desired outcome:
The material type of the Bibliographic record created as a result from the purchase request should match the material type set on the purchase request.