Prevent deletion of portfolios with access type perpetual or current plus perpetual
When deleting portfolios individually or through a batch process, add a feature to flag/warn about portfolios with perpetual or current plus perpetual for the access type before they are deleted. It could be similar to the message and process you run into upon trying to delete a portfolio with an active po line or a physical holding with an active po line. My library's portfolios attached to larger collections often do not have PO lines (as much of this work was done in our former library system prior to Alma migration). Adding a perpetual access type to portfolios is relatively easy to do. If tied to deletion prevention, it would help secure content a library does not want to delete. Thanks for your consideration.
Alicia Morris commented
I wholeheartedly support this idea. tracking and managing resources to which the library has perpetual access is very difficult right now. We need better ways to retain for the long term this material.