Make 'requester' clickable after 'scan in items' step of handling a request
It would be convenient if it was possible to click on the requester after the 'scan in items' step when managing a request.

When scanning in a requested item, the requester name appears. There will be a link to the requester’s user record if the logged in user has priveleges to access the user edit form
Arina Boelanders commented
@Anonymous commenter: that would also be handy, but in our library (my colleague is the one who proposed this) we need it for another reason. We're currently doing 'loan on demand': we do 'scan in', loan out the book immediately, and put it on a table in front of the desk. Currently, what we do is: scan in, select the student number, press copy, go to manage patron services, paste the number, enter, scan the barcode of the book again. As we repeat this procedure with dozens of books a day, life would be very nice indeed if we could click through to the student account after we did 'scan in'.
Anonymous commented
Ha yes, so we can see if that requester has made more requests from that same journal?