Separate field for borrowing request statuses to display in My Library Account
The borrowing request statuses in Alma are configurable, so that you can change the text that appears for both library staff and the user (in My Library Account).
However, we would like the ability to have a separate field where the status can be configured for the user which affects the display in My Library Account only. This is because we would like to provide detail in these statuses for our staff, that our users do not need to see.
For example, for the borrowing request status 'Request sent to partner' you may want to retain this status for library staff to see in Alma, but for users you may wish simply for 'In process' to display in My Library Account.
Kip Darling commented
Yes, love this one. Some request statuses are confusing for users, and this does lead to queries that could be avoided by them simply not having 'mirrored' access to specific internal process steps/ information.