Receiving note for electronic resources
It would be fantastic if a receiving note option was included for electronic resources as it is for print resources (a field which can be extracted for analytics). The current notes field can not be accessed via analytics and it is therefore difficult to track trends in usage, information about cohorts using different resources, reasons for purchasing, etc.

Jennifer Browning commented
We have been working with the Interested Uses letter for received items in Alma. For print items, the "Receiving Note" field in the PO is added to the letter. It would be very useful to have a Receiving Note that is similarly populated in the Interested Users letter for e-resource activations. This note field is useful for communicating order-specific information for the user receiving the letter.
Janine Friedrich commented
Hi Moshe
if this activation note would be persistent and extractable into Analytics, it would be perfect for our needs
The plan for the activation note is to add this note similar to the receiving note that can be added to physical orders, i.e. a persistent note, separate from the general 'notes' tab that allows adding unlimited additional notes.
Is there a functional gap between that and your requirement ? If there is small gap, it may be that we can incorporate it into the the already planned development.
Moshe -
Janine Friedrich commented
Hi Moshe
I was trying to find a little bit more information about the activation note and how it will work, but couldn't find anything.
My initial response without further information is that no, it would not be the same as an activation note, we are hoping for a free text field that could have information entered into it at the time a purchase order is created, and this text field would be permanent, but subsequent notes could be appended.
There is currently a receiving note for physical items, and in this field we will enter information about what academic school the item is ordered for, how the request was received and what kind of communications might have to go out when the item is received.CHeers
Janine -
Is this the same as the 'Add 'activation note' to purchase order screen for electronic orders' idea ?