KBART export from Alma to include title level URL
As we from time to time need to interface with software and services outside the ExLibris suite, it would be great if the KBART Schema for export would include a proper title level URL as specified in the KBART Recommended Practice:
"[Title level URL] Indicate the URL of the title’s homepage.
For journals, this page should be a listing of the available volumes and issues. "

武丽娜 commented
It is an essential function for us to exchange data from alma to sfx.Hope it can be realised.
Patt Leonard commented
Yes, yes, yes! I waste an absurd amount of time in Excel, trying to match up the output from the Admin jobs "Export URLs" and "Export Electronic Portfolios" with the repository search results page "Export list" function, to determine which MMS ID goes with which Portfolio ID and what URL.