In import profiles, ability to specify which 856 $u url is used to create electronic portfolios
Scenario: We manage some electronic collections in Worldshare Collection Manager. OCLC provides bibliographic records with the resource's url in the 856 $u. Sometimes the bib records will include multiple url's but we only want to select a specific one to create our portfolios in Alma.
For example, the Worldcat master record for OCLC 957128084 has 11 856 fields. (See attached screenshot.) Some are institution specific and others belong to different access providers. In such a situation, we want to be able to select the 856 $u url that begins with "" or "".
In import profiles, the "File name patterns" use regular expressions to specify which Marc files are imported by an import profile.
Could similar functionality be added to the import profile's inventory tab to designate a "Url pattern"? So that only the url's that fit the pattern will be used to create portfolios. (See attached screenshot.)
Thank you.