Conversion job for any part of the record to any other part
It would be nice if there was a job of conversion of every part of a record (bib, hol, item, portfolio) into another part, for example:
Bib records into Items
Bib records into Holdings
Bib records into Portfolios
Bib records into Orders
Items into Bib records
Items into Holdings
Orders into Bib records
Orders into items
Orders into Portfolios
Portfolios into Bib records
Portfolios into Orders
This way, we will not be limited by the search for any job.
For example, we would be able to search Bib records, convert the set into items and run a job for item changes (similar to manage-70 for those who used Aleph).
Vicki Grahame commented
You can create a set of titles (bibs) from an items, portfolios or files set but not from an orders set. Add the ability for orders.