Move the Level of service facet to the top of the facet list
Currently the Level of Service facet is at the base of the facet list, almost always hidden by the facets above it. I would like to see it moved to the top of the list as the timely processing of material for Rush or Express requests depends on being able to find those requests and action them quickly. As it is currently unless you specifically scroll down the list, you don't even know those requests have come in.

Karen Scott commented
This would be helpful for the Activation lists as well. If I have more than one page of ebooks in my Task List and have them sorted by date (oldest to newest), then it might be a long time before I stumble on any recent rushes added to the list. But if rushes automatically sort to the top, or we had the ability to sort by rush, or even if there was some sort of notification at the top of the page warning us that we had rushes in our list -- that would help greatly.