When building index tables, include data from all bib records (even if no holdings) and from all holdings records (even if no items).
Currently, most holdings fields are not included in the indexing for the physical items table if there is no item attached. I believe the same is true for some bibliographic fields if there is no item and/or no holding.
The resolution to the previous suggestion "Need a way to retrieve HOLDINGS where there are no ITEMS associated with the holding" addressed that one, very specific symptom of the larger problem.
Now that we can FIND the holdings without items attached, we'd like to also search for and report on other information about them.
Please index the same fields for ALL records of a given type, whether or not there are attached holdings or items. This is what I anticipated when the previous enhancement was announced and I was disappointed to learn it is not the case.
Thank you.

Hello All,
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Alma Product Team
1. In January 2018 we added several fields from the holdings record to Alma Analytics Physical Items > Holding Details folder, as described in the January release notes at https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Release_Notes/010_2018/Alma_2018_Release_Notes?mon=201801.
2. In addition to the 25 holdings record fields in Alma Analytics as desctibed at https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/080Analytics/Alma_Analytics_Subject_Areas/Physical_Items#Holding_Details the institution can add another 10 holdings records fields in the "Holding Local Param " thus totaling 35 fields,
3. Please state exactly what fields from the holdings record are not there now in Alma analytics but that you wish were there in Alma analytics.