Make Suppressing a location function the same as suppressing a holding in all publishing jobs
Currently, the general publishing job exports inventory in locations which are ticked "Suppress from Discovery" in Physical Locations config, when "Excluded Suppressed Locations: is ticked in the Publishing Profile.
Alma should handle this flag as it does for Publishing to Primo and Publishing to Libraries Australia and ignore suppressed locations, otherwise what's the point of setting this at the location level and then providing an option to Exclude suppressed records. It is extra work to set this value for each individual bib/holdings record.

Simon Hunt commented
Holdings records in suppressed locations should be automatically tagged as suppressed so these values are indicated in publishing profiles and Analytics. This way, suppression indicators would function the same whether they are being published to Primo or another source.
The presence of the "suppressed record" icon makes this even more confusing, since you can't tell if an individual record is tagged suppressed unless you open it in the MD Editor and look in the Tools menu (or run a report in Analytics).