Description Templates -- Create reference table for months and seasons
I'm wondering if it would be possible to create some sort of reference table for the months and seasons. This would be for use in the description templates. Then we could use MM, MON, and MONTH (for example), to indicate whether the two digit code in the particular Chron field should be displayed numerically, as the standard abbreviation, or spelled out.
Having such a table would mean that for each type of pattern a single template could take the place of the 12 or 16 we have to create now.
This would be much more efficient right off the bat and would also provide a cleaner/shorter list of templates to arrow up/down through to get a new rule in the right place, so would save a ton of time there as well. (SEE ALSO: "Add ability to reorder Description Template Setup Rules using drag and drop")

Anonymous commented
It seems odd that the prediction system already appears to convert from codes to words automatically.
Dan Taysom commented
Would be nice if the template could also consider the language from the holding record so it could handle translating for example 01 into Jan. or Enero as needed.
Catherine Bellet commented
Indispensable ! Je souscris à fond
Jan K. commented
Excellent idea, Pat!
Daniel George commented
This makes so much sense. Would save many people a great amount of time. DG