Make the "General Mail" feature more customizable
On the "User Details" screen in Alma, there is a "Send Message" function. If "General Mail" is selected, any message that is composed shows up as "ILLEMAILTOUSERlongstringofnumbers" under the user's Attachment tab. Unlike other letters, this is saved as a "text/plain" type, requiring the file to be downloaded before it can be viewed. It would be nice if this attachment type could be renamed, or given a more descriptive title than "ILLEMAILTO_USER," especially as it is generated from within the User Details screen and not via Resource Sharing or ILL.

Catherine.osullivan commented
This looks to be a very useful feature but it seems odd that it is deliberately uneditable : "The letter ILL Email to User needs to be activated for the General mail function to work. This letter is not customizable." (
Marina Kalach commented
Currently this letter is nearly unusable. As it is plain text, it is impossible to customize it with logo (at least) so that the patron will not think is it some kind of spam letter. When used in other script than Latin or in Latin+any RTL languages it is unreadable as the directionality is mixed up. This letter should be "embedded" into the usual letters template.
Peta Hopkins commented
I would support more flexibility for this letter.