Add the ability to manually sort physical item records within a location
The current physical item sorting options mean that in many cases records cannot be sorted into the correct order. Adding to the existing automated sorting options will help in some cases but not in others.
The only way to be certain that item records can be correctly sorted is to add the ability to manually sort physical items within a particular location (i.e. that are linked to a particular holdings record).
Use cases abound. For instance, this is the only way that volumes designated as new ser. v. (or new ser no.) can be sorted to appear after volumes designated as v. (or no.) This is the only way that items can be sorted in order when a serial starts out with a designation such as no. or v. and later changes to date only. This is the only way that volumes designated in any language can be sorted correctly in all cases. There are many other examples that could be cited as well.
jennifer browning commented
+1 to this idea and hope that it can be taken up. It seems like a easy solution to a common problem. We should be able to custom sort the order of items in a location with a "drag and drop" type feature.