Colour/shade gradients to tell the different between license statuses (Active, Retired, Deleted)
In the list of licenses it would be useful to have a colour/shading gradient difference between active and inactive licenses.
For example, when you delete a license it still remains in Alma, it is just given the status deleted. This is fine as it provides a history, however, as the deleted licenses in the list look exactly the same as active licenses, apart from the status note it can often be difficult to tell the active and deleted licences apart, especially at a glance.
It would be useful to change the colouring/shading gradient, for example, grey out the text, for the deleted licences to make the Active licenses prominent, so you can quickly determine the correct license to link to a collection etc.
A similar thing for the retired licenses would also be great.

Jarvis Sims commented
This would be great for us to raise a literal red flag when something is expired or about too.
Anonymous commented
Our list of licences is cluttered with unused / retired ones, it would be great to grey them out or even better exclude them.
Karin Wikoff commented
Even better to have the list of licenses visually show the relationship between them -- which are amendments to which others, NOT just alphabetical order.
We are renaming our deleted licenses with XX at the front of the name to force them to the bottom of the list.
Michael Rodriguez commented
We've been discussing whether to migrate to Alma older expired licenses. We're hesitant because right now it would be cluttery and hard to tell the various documents apart at a glance. This idea would address that concern and incentivize libraries to take full advantage of Alma's licensing capabilities.
Anonymous commented
This seems to be a very simple modification.