Allow the font to be changed/enlarged in the MD Editor
In the MD Editor it is currently impossible to change the font size or type. Could this please be changed? Catalogers expect this functionality, as both Voyager Cataloging and the OCLC Connexion client allow users to change the font size and type. Thank you for considering this request.
Montana commented
I know how to change the editor's font size but I cannot figure out how to change the environment font size. So I wonder if you can change it somehow. In general, I am currently creating a presentation and I urgently need a strict font since the subject of my presentation is quite serious ( the Holocaust). So I'm looking for a suitable font. Of all the options I've reviewed, this one is I think fits best. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?
Patt Leonard commented
I drag the divider line for the left frame towards the left, so that all I can see of the templates-records-etc. area is the first few letters of each option. In the Chrome browser, control-plus will increase the size of the display and control-minus reduce it, and I use that sometimes.
Patt Leonard commented
In the MD Editor, I especially want and much prefer to use a single-space font, such as Courier, which accurately displays the spacing between words or punctuation, to make it easier to see and delete extra spaces. In an exact string search [word][space][word] will not find [word][space][space][word]. The Courier display option is available in OCLC Connexion and in Innovative Interfaces Sierra.