Release Notes and Known Issues
Please consider publishing known issues and release notes for service pack deployments before the day of deployment. Nothing infuriates a customer more than becoming aware of an issue through a mere reference in another customer's outstanding Salesforce case.
Good customer service isn't just reporting what has been fixed, but rather includes reporting the issues that need to be addressed.

Thanks for this feedback. We would like to point a few things:
1. Today the Release Notes for Alma are published together with teh deployment to the sandbox environment, a full week before the deployment to the production environment. The intention is to allow you enough time to review and plan accordingly
2. Our support knowledge base includes many articles regarding known issues that potentially can effect users of Alma and other products and services. These articles, when possible, provide information on alternative approaches for dealing with the issue, and when a correction is released, the article is updated to reflect this change.
Alma Support and Product Management