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12 results found
ITEM_UPDATE: info about the FIELD NAME modified.
When we receive a webhook of type ITEM_UPDATE, it would be great to receive WHICH IS THE NAME OF THE FIELD IS THE ONE THAT IS MODIFIED? In the history of an issue, it appears as “FIELD NAME.
8 votes -
Include in webhooks information on which user triggered the event (especially for items and users)
There are numerous scenarios where knowing which user performed the action that triggered the webhook would be useful, like selectively acting on triggers based on permissions and automatic staff error handling. Currently webhooks only include whether the action was performed in the UI or not.
5 votes -
webhook (trigger on event pay fines and fees)
During the IGeLU developersday of 2024 there was quite some interest for a webhook related to pay fines and fees.
This webhook could be usefull to trigger an integration with bancontact terminal payments or any other payment integrations.
10 votes -
Webhooks enhancement
We're using webhooks as a proof of concept on our sandbox, for the time being. In particular, we use webhooks on loans.
Official documentation :'re bothered by the ecological/energy waste generated by this webhook. Unlike the notification webhooks, this webhook does not provide any filtering.
If we activate it in production, we estimate that there will be almost 500,000 API calls per year, for which only 1% will result in an action according to our action rules.
Can we have a possibility to filter the webhooks on loans, according to these criteria (and / or):
-item library
-item…14 votes -
Webhook that runs when a user is updated, to show what information was changed for that user
I tried setting a webhook to run when a user is updated.
I wanted to know what information was changed for that user. To me, this is the most obvious use case for the user webhook.
However, i get what seems like the post-changed user information only. I am unable to tell what information was changed.
Request for the user webhook to contain information about what information was changed for the user.
9 votes -
Expand webhook monitoring to all record types in Alma
Libraries utilize the webhook tool in Alma to be notified when some events occur, and includes information on the results or status of that event. Unfortunately, the tool does not include all record types in Alma. For example, portfolio and representation records, though mentioned in Ex Libris webhook documentation ( ), are not actually monitored by the tool. In August 2024, this was communicated to Ex Libris for these two specific record types, and a “planned for future release” clause was added to their page, but with no timeline. Ex Libris recommended submitting an enhancement. Please expand webhook monitoring…
3 votes -
Additional SMS possibilities using webhooks
I would like to suggest additional SMS possibilities when using webhooks. Currently, there are only four SMS message possibilities triggered when using webhooks (Borrowing Activity Letter, Fulfillment Cancel Request Letter, Loan Status Notice, and On Hold Shelf Letter). Others that would be very helpful to include with webhooks are:
Courtesy Letter, sent to patrons before their items are due
Ful Overdue and Lost Loan Notification Letter, sent to patrons after their items have become overdue
1 vote -
Add webhook event for Resource Sharing lending request
Actually we can intercept a RS borrowing request via webhooks in two ways, via a new request event or via a new item event (using a RS location filter), but there seems to be no events for lending request until the resource is located and the temporary RS location is applied. We need a specific webhook event that occur when a RS lending request is created.
3 votes -
Webhook for Library Hour Changes
It would be great if a event could be created that would fire a webhook when a librarys hours change.
The use case for this is when we use a 3rd party system that pulls hours out of Alma, we want to be able to know the hours have changed and perform a sync sooner than say 72 hours later (or whatever interval) when the outside system refreshes automatically.
This would be useful when we close do to inclement weather or something, so we could trigger updating our 3rd party system after the hours are updated in Alma.
4 votes -
Add a request cancellation code & reason in the Request webhook
The current Request webhook doesn't seem to include the Request Cancellation reason. Currently it just says:
'event' => {
'desc' => 'Request canceled',
},The comment field refers to the request, but not the cancellation reason here:
'userrequest' => {
'requesttime' => '2022-05-11T23:42:26.191Z',
'managedbycirculationdeskcode' => 'EASTCIRC',
'mmsid' => '993815723607636',
'taskname' => 'Rejected',
'author' => 'Ferguson, J.',
'itemid' => '2365452260007636',
'issue' => '',
'pickuplocationlibrary' => 'ABC',
'dateofpublication' => '',
'managedbylibrary' => 'State Library',
'requesttype' => 'HOLD',
'requestid' => '1419991190007636',
'pickup…3 votes -
AFN Loans on library loans webhooks
We manage home delivery requests. We need to print labels and generate a file of deliveries once a day with all loans.
Alma did not provide a list of home delivery transactions the same day, you need to wait the next day to generate a Analytics report.
We have developed a solution that makes a list using Loans Webhooks. Now we are using AFN (Automated Fulfillment Network) in our consortium and those transactions are not published on our Webhook, because books are from other institutions even though the loan was made in our system.
In order to have all home delivery transactions we need all loans made…6 votes -
Allow request-type webhooks to be triggered only under certain conditions
We would like the ability to configure request webhooks such that they are triggered only when certain conditions are met. Request webhooks for patron physical item requests include the user’s primary ID and the title they have requested. This type of circulation information should in most circumstances stay within the library and not be shared with third parties. But it may be necessary to enable a third-party integration in order to provide needed services, such as a smart locker delivery service. Currently, request-type webhooks are triggered by any request in Alma, regardless of request type or destination. We would like…
51 votes
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