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42 results found
Show volume number in Borrowing and Lending Requests
In the Borrowing Requests List and the Lending Requests List, it is currently not possible to see the volume details the patron added to the request form.
This can lead to difficulties when trying to fulfill requests linked e.g. to multivolumes, where the volume indication is fundamental.
Therefore, displaying it in both Requests (B/L) would be very useful.178 votes -
2 votes
Using Ex Libris Solutions for Better Content Management
Hello everyone,
We are the team behind (http://thenewsinsides.com), a dynamic blogging website, and we're exploring how Ex Libris tools like Alma and Primo could help us enhance content management, discovery, and user engagement. While these solutions are primarily used in libraries, we believe they could offer unique benefits for content-heavy sites like ours.
Has anyone here used Ex Libris products in a non-library setting? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
1 vote -
1 vote
Error during the process of receiving documents
Has anyone encountered any difficulties using RapidILL during the process of requesting and receiving documents? If so, can you share your experience and solutions?
Share more: block blast1 vote -
Allow export of a file of libraries we share Rapid pods with from the Rapid website
At present, it is possible to export a CSV file of libraries who are in Rapid Reciprocal with us, but not of libraries who are in the same pods as us. It would be very helpful if we could get such a list. It would also be very helpful if these files could include at least the library's email as well as name, and better yet, their address.
One of several issues this would help with is that currently Rapid does not import full address information into ILLiad. (If that ever is resolved, 90% of why I need this list…
3 votes -
Alma Borrowing Request Note
The Alma Borrowing Request Note should appear on all Rapid Lending requests: Rapid interface, Alma ISO and all other platforms
157 votes -
Routing request to libraries with a subscription to A journal and not to those with an open access platform in their catalog
Now orders are directed to libraries with access only to an open access platform that many times in practice do not provide articles instead to libraries that have a subscription to the journal.
The result is that many times after the order has passed through many libraries it is finally rejected. Since there is synchronization between the journal IDs (issns, oclc) you can't write an oclc that appears only for subscribers.5 votes -
Changing daily quota of Lending requests
It should be possible to change the daily quota of Lending requests independently, and not via Support
see Idea: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/935109-rapidill/suggestions/45302506-ability-to-throttle-the-number-of-lending-requests9 votes -
Allow to fill RapidILL requests with URLs instead of files
When staff users try to use the workflow step "ship digitally" and indicate a URL instead of uploading a PDF, the request is closed at the Lending side but the patron never receives any notification and the Borrowing request stays pending.
After checking with ExLibris, it seems that Rapid/Alma is not currently designed to be able to fill RapidILL requests with URLs (instead of files).
This would be very helpful though, especially in case of large files.(Described also in support case 6645065)
82 votes -
Region-Specific Copyright Guidance and Integrated Workflow for RapidILL
📋 Functionality Description:
a) Description:
🌐 Implement a system within RapidILL that provides region-specific copyright guidance and introduces an integrated workflow to check copyright compliance during document delivery.
b) Business Reason:
This enhancement would benefit the entire RapidILL community by:
✅ Ensuring copyright compliance across different regions
🛡️ Reducing liability for both lending and borrowing libraries
⚡ Streamlining the copyright checking process
🎓 Educating end-users about their copyright responsibilities
c) User Story:
👩💼 As a library worker using RapidILL, I want to access region-specific copyright information and have an integrated copyright check workflow so that I can ensure compliance with…
5 votes -
customizing the text when sending the download URL via email
When sending the download URL by email, We want to add notes regarding usage (such as not sharing with others). Additionally, it would be wonderful if customization could be done in both English and Japanese.
1 vote -
Don't loose patron information by accident
If you by accident change the status on a request that's not RapidILL to Request Completed, then all information about the who ordered the material is lost, even if it's only a few minutes. There gotta be a way to retrieve that information and undo that mistake.
3 votes -
"Send query to patron" is visible in attachments
When you send an e-mail to patron using the "Send query to patron"-function in Alma it would be useful if that e-mail is later visible in attachments, so that other colleagues might see exactly what have been said.
3 votes -
Do not merge the "From page" and "To page" in Lending Requests
Currently, the "From" and "To" page range indicated by patron users in the request form are displayed separately in the Borrowing Request, but are merged in a single "From page" field on the Lending side.
This sometimes leads to missing information on the Lending side.We had cases where patrons added e.g. "1-2" in the "From" field and "4-5" in the "To" field, in order to get four pages scanned with one single request (let's say that they knew page 3 only contained ads).
By design, the "From" and "To" fields were merged when transferring the information from the Borrowing…1 vote -
Alma/Rapido notes: Reason for rejection should be passed on through RapidILL
Currently, the only notes passed on in a RapidILL-Alma integration are notes given as part of the bad citation workflow.
However, as borrowing library, in order to reasonably notify the patron why a request is rejected, the note containing the reason for the rejection by the lending library also needs to be passed on into the borrower's Alma/Rapido.181 votes -
RapidILL Toolkit for Improving Scan Quality
📋 Functionality Description:
a) Description:
🛠️ Develop a comprehensive guide and set of tools to help both lending and borrowing libraries edit and improve scans produced for RapidILL.
b) Business Reason:
This enhancement would benefit the RapidILL community by:
🎯 Improving overall scan quality and accessibility
🤝 Enhancing customer care for end-users
⚖️ Balancing speed with quality in document delivery
🔧 Providing resources for libraries with varying equipment capabilities
c) User Story:
👩💼 As a library worker using RapidILL, I want access to best practices, tools, and guidelines for producing and editing high-quality scans, so that I can provide better…
4 votes -
One Pod for all RapidILL customers
As RapidILL has time-zone and load-balance algorithims in place, it seems that the multiple Pod system is somewhat redundant.
6 votes -
Sending article information from a link resolver
We would like to pass article information to RapidILL's "New Request" form through a link resolver service such as 360Link, so that we can easily make new requests.
4 votes -
Priority by language (not just by time-zone and load-balance)
Rapid should prioritize the language of requests, so that requests in languages such as Hebrew and Arabic would be sent to libraries specializing in these languages, before other libraries.
4 votes
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