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44 results found
Sending article information from a link resolver
We would like to pass article information to RapidILL's "New Request" form through a link resolver service such as 360Link, so that we can easily make new requests.
4 votes -
Priority by language (not just by time-zone and load-balance)
Rapid should prioritize the language of requests, so that requests in languages such as Hebrew and Arabic would be sent to libraries specializing in these languages, before other libraries.
4 votes -
Add “Conditional” to RapidILL
Sometimes libraries need to communicate things to each other that aren’t citation issues. For instance, if a library has an HTML version of an article instead of a PDF with page numbers or a different edition of a book than the one listed in the request, that library might want to ask the borrower if that’s an okay version for the patron. Right now the only way to communicate between libraries is through Bad Citation, and that doesn’t allow libraries to respond to such queries. Adding a “Conditional” status that allows libraries to ask and answer questions that aren’t citation…
21 votes -
Add RapidILL fields to Electronic Collections
Instead of having to enter the RapidILL lending statuses in the internal notes field of electronic collections we would like to have checkboxes added to the electronic collection that would indicate if the collection is LendableInternational, LendableCountry, or Lendable Local
3 votes -
Allow manual editing when Rapid set the request on "local holdings" but the article is in volumes we don't hold
For requests of articles or proceedings from items we have in stock - but for different years. A function to confirm we don't hold that specific issue/year would be beneficial
4 votes -
Show dates in a format suitable for global users
In the RapidILL interface dates are displayed in US format. With RapidILL now a global phenomenon this can be confusing for users in other regions which do not use M D Y.
A date like 10/06/2022 - could be interpreted either as 10 Jun 2022, or 6 Oct 2022.
Please use a format like 05 Sep YYYY - that should prevent confusion and make work more efficient outside of North America
100 votes -
Claims for non-supplied items
Ability to configure non-supplied Alma requests that were sent to Rapid to automatically update to status Claimed
12 votes -
Customising Reasons for Rejection
As it stands, we cannot customise the choice of reasons for rejection when we reject a lending request. It would be useful to be able to configure this to make them clearer, and have reasons that we find the most applicable to the type of requests we get. For example, having one that is more applicable to specific copyright restrictions, or when we have an access issue. As well as this, it would be useful to remove reasons we don't use.
60 votes -
Rapidill discrepancy between the date in Alma and on Rapidill web input.
We are getting requests come through Alma that are lacking information compared to their web version counterparts. In both of these cases in the Alma version we have only got the year of the article which is why we have marked them as a ‘bad citation’ and referred them back to the requester. However, when looking at the Web instance a few minutes later which is not enough time for the request to have been updated, we can see the date information in full. Granted it is in the ‘year’ section however, the concatenation could be causing problems with other…
3 votes -
Make Holdings Status Page & Upload Process More User-Friendly
Currently, the holdings upload process is a bit of a black box. There are no notifications to tell libraries that our holdings uploads have failed. So, we have to keep checking the Holdings Status page (https://rapid.exlibrisgroup.com/Holdings/Status) to see if our uploads went through, and submit a ticket if they don't. Failed uploads are still marked as “In Progress”. Because of this we have to wait 24-48 hours to establish that the process has stalled and requires intervention. If we notice a failure, Support cannot tell us what caused it because data from past uploads is not retained. A…
16 votes -
Rapidill lending requests: Locate item on loan
We often get scan lending requests from Rapidill for items that are on loan. It seems that the Rapid locate mechanism should be improved.
24 votes -
Currently, when you submit a request with an ISBN, Rapid does not also search for the ISBN of the Ebook, or vice-versa. This is not the case with Journal requests, Rapid does search for alternative ISSNs of print journals and ejournals.
48 votes -
Problem with Hebrew Numerals in Publication Dates and Volumes / Issues numbers
When we submit requests to Rapid that have Publication Dates and / or Volume/Issue Numbers with Hebrew numerals and / or apostrophes, Rapid is not able to identify locally-owned items, or to accurately locate possible Partners.
19 votes -
Require members to send OCR'd files
RapidILL members should be required to send OCR'd PDFs.
4 votes -
Export monthly borrowing/lending summary reports
Under Tools > Statistics > Lending Summary/Borrowing Summary, the statistics shown on the screen can drill down to monthly level but when I clicked on Excel, the file does not breakdown to monthly level. We had to resort to copy and paste from the screen into an Excel file and format it. It would save staff time if the export includes the monthly statistics.
5 votes -
Ability to throttle the number of lending requests
We would like the ability to throttle the number of lending requests our institution gets. As a larger institution, we receive about 150 lending requests a day during the school year. We know RAPIDILL staff can do this for us, but we can occasionally have a student out sick and that dramatically decreases the amount we are able to scan. If we could cap our print holdings requests ourselves quickly, this would help us especially during the summer or holidays.
13 votes -
Separate Mapping List into book chapter lending and whole book lending rules
Please consider adding could the ability to separate the mapping list between chapter lending and whole book lending. More of our collection is available for chapter scanning than whole book Rapid Returnables lending. For example, we could scan a chapter of a reference book but we would not provide the entire book via Rapid Returnables. We have put in place the more restrictive lending rules as there's no way to distinguish between chapter scanning and whole book lending in the mapping .
7 votes -
Incorporating non-English phrases into holdings upload to Rapid
It should be possible to upload non-English phrases into the Rapid process for parsing years and coverage data.
Our description field is in Hebrew, which means that the data is ignored, when Rapid tries to upload it. As a result, requests are automatically sent to Rapid instead of being rejected as Locally-Owned. This causes unnecessary work for other libraries, and in many case, a delay in supply to the patron.17 votes -
Defining Work Week permanently
It should be possible to define our work week permanently, and not via Lending Off every week. For example, our work week is Sundays-Thursdays 8:00-17:00 (not Monday-Fridays). Also, it should be possible to define Lending Off via Alma, and not just via the Rapid interface.
94 votesWe are investigating how we can develop/support this functionality, thanks!
Reducing turnaround times
Since each lending library can hold a request for 4 working days, sometimes files are received after a long time (for example: if there are many libraries and each one takes 4 days to Unfill, before one library eventually fills it).
A solution to this could be to treat requests with only one match differently than requests with many matches, e.g., reduce the holding time for requests to 2 days when more than 1 library holds the item.84 votes
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