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6 results found

  1. Do not merge the "From page" and "To page" in Lending Requests

    Currently, the "From" and "To" page range indicated by patron users in the request form are displayed separately in the Borrowing Request, but are merged in a single "From page" field on the Lending side.
    This sometimes leads to missing information on the Lending side.

    We had cases where patrons added e.g. "1-2" in the "From" field and "4-5" in the "To" field, in order to get four pages scanned with one single request (let's say that they knew page 3 only contained ads).
    By design, the "From" and "To" fields were merged when transferring the information from the Borrowing…

    1 vote
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  2. Show volume number in Borrowing and Lending Requests

    In the Borrowing Requests List and the Lending Requests List, it is currently not possible to see the volume details the patron added to the request form.
    This can lead to difficulties when trying to fulfill requests linked e.g. to multivolumes, where the volume indication is fundamental.
    Therefore, displaying it in both Requests (B/L) would be very useful.

    167 votes
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  3. Allow to fill RapidILL requests with URLs instead of files

    When staff users try to use the workflow step "ship digitally" and indicate a URL instead of uploading a PDF, the request is closed at the Lending side but the patron never receives any notification and the Borrowing request stays pending.
    After checking with ExLibris, it seems that Rapid/Alma is not currently designed to be able to fill RapidILL requests with URLs (instead of files).
    This would be very helpful though, especially in case of large files.

    (Described also in support case 6645065)

    82 votes
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  4. Require members to send OCR'd files

    RapidILL members should be required to send OCR'd PDFs.

    6 votes
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  5. Rapidill lending requests: Locate item on loan

    We often get scan lending requests from Rapidill for items that are on loan. It seems that the Rapid locate mechanism should be improved.

    24 votes
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  6. Ability to throttle the number of lending requests

    We would like the ability to throttle the number of lending requests our institution gets. As a larger institution, we receive about 150 lending requests a day during the school year. We know RAPIDILL staff can do this for us, but we can occasionally have a student out sick and that dramatically decreases the amount we are able to scan. If we could cap our print holdings requests ourselves quickly, this would help us especially during the summer or holidays.

    13 votes
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