Configure our default option to “Keep local descriptive metadata” when linking local portfolios to CZ at the Institution level
Currently, the default option is set to "Use descriptive metadata from the community," and our staff need to manually select the option "Keep local descriptive metadata" every time a portfolio is linked to CZ. Relying on manual updates introduces human error, and fixing these errors requires considerable effort and staff time. Therefore, we propose the inclusion of a user-configurable option that will allow institutions to set their preferred source of descriptive metadata as the default (either CZ or local) when linking portfolios in Alma. This will allow institutions greater control over their processes and will minimize the burden on ExLibris support when human errors occur.
Attached is a screen capture of step 3 in the portfolio linking process where we would like to see the new feature implemented. Ideally, we would like to keep local descriptive metadata as the default setting across all types of portfolios that are linked to the Community Zone (standalone or part of a collection).
While using descriptive metadata from the community can be advantageous for some institutions, our library’s policy is to keep local descriptive metadata, so the implementation of this feature would greatly support our library’s processes as well as other institutions who rely on local IZ bibliographic records.