Add Block for Resource Sharing Shipping from Scan-In Items
Alma allows an institution to set rsallowactionsonscan_in to false. When a staff person tries to Receive or Ship a resource sharing request from Scan-In, the staff person sees a pop-up message advising them to use Alma Receiving or Shipping.
When Scan-in Items is used on a lending request that should be shipped, a pop up message displays that “Shipping is required to be done from the dedicated screen, Are you sure you want to continue?” There is a “Cancel” or “Confirm” option. If the staff person chooses “Confirm” and scans the item barcode again then another pop up displays asking if they want to continue with the message “Scanning in item (scanned barcode provided) will complete lending resource sharing request (external identifier provided). Are you sure you want to perform this action?” The staff person is given the option to “Cancel” or “Confirm”. If the staff person selects “Confirm” the request is completed for the lending and the borrowing library.
This enhancement request is to add block preferences for Ship of a lending request using Scan-In that are similar to the options available for Receive of a borrowing request. If staff are blocked from using Scan-In Items for lending requests this will prevent the accidental closing of a lending and borrowing request.
There is an option to block the Receive of a borrowing request using Scan-In
We would like a block preference to be added for Ship of a lending request similar to the block on Receive of borrowing requests.
Possible settings for block of Ship of lending request from Scan-In Items:
· Block- The pop-up warning appears and the Ship may not be carried out.
· Override by Manager- The pop-up warning appears and may be overridden by users with manager roles.
· Handle Automatically- The pop-up warning does not appear and the Ship action will be carried out automatically, with the appropriate actions taken to handle the resource sharing request. This is the default option.
If the block is overridden, the following actions take place:
· The lending request status is updated to Shipped Physically.
· The Ship ISO message is sent.
· The item is placed in a temporary location.