Allow form editing of Metadata Configuration profiles in addition to Extension files
The metadata configuration profiles are currently only editable by uploading XML files, which become invisible upon upload. This can become a nuisance if a library wants to make small additions to existing fields, or wants to add multiple new fields with numerous subfield/indicator definitions. It would be much easier if new values could be added using a form within Alma, via an "add row" link at the top of each page. For example, in the MARC21 bibliographic profile, an "add row" button could add a new MARC field and definition. Within each field would be additional "add row" buttons for subfield and indicator definitions.
It would also be nice if this feature could indicate by whom each definition was updated (whether it's a user or the system), and when it was last updated.
For similar functionality within Alma, see Configuration > Discovery > Get It Configuration > Holdings Display Configuration.