Add option for inventory's title to the "Interested In" letter
When we receive items on a standing order POL, our interested users listed in the POL receive the standard "Interested In" letter notifying them that an item has been processed. However, when the standing order POL is attached to a brief bib for the series, the letter only gives the series title and not the individual item's analytic title. As a result, the interested user is only notified that a new item in that series has arrived, but not what that specific item is.
The letter's XML does pull the individual item's call number through @@callNumber@@ : <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/poline_inventory/call_number"/>". Replicating this with "<xsl:value-of select="notification_data/poline_inventory/title"/>" would ideally likewise add the item’s title, but it only creates a blank space in the letter at this time, and Ex Libris techs have said that it’s not possible to add this value to the XSL template ourselves. We’d like to see the XSL template expanded to allow this value to be added to it through the letter configuration.