Expand Number of User Identifiers in Analytics
In Alma Analytics, when running User analyses, only two user Identifier options are made available under the Users | User Details subject area. Each of these two Identifier options can be associated with a single user identifier type by Ex Libris, requiring that a case be opened with Ex Libris to change that association as needed. Given that there is no limit to the number of user record identifier types in Alma for an institution, having only two user identifiers readily available in Analytics is very limiting and inefficient. Ideally, Analytics should offer up to ten user identifier options as it does for Local Params under Bibliographic and Holding details under the Physical Items subject area. Libraries may not utilize all of them, but having the flexibility to associate them with active user identifier fields would be very beneficial for efficient workflows and troubleshooting. Enhancement Request: Increase the number of user Identifiers in Alma Analytics from two up to ten.