Choose users affiliated to a particular library - Bulk Change Due Date
Our situation is that we have 2 libraries (eg. Library A - Library B) in 2 different cities. Students affiliated to a particular library can borrow items (books, DVD, etc.) owned by the other library.
The problem is:
Eg. Due to COVID, library A closed and library B remain open, so students affiliated to library A can't physically return their books. I would like to bulk change due date for all loans of library A students.
HOWEVER, if I choose 'Library A' in the field 'Library' of Bulk Change Due Date feature, Alma will change due date of loans related to items owned by library A, NOT loans of students affiliated to library A.
Dividing a particular user group like 'Undergrad student' into 'Undergrad student - Library A' & 'Undergrad student - Library B' and then only select 'Undergrad student - Library A' in 'User group' field of Bulk Change Due Date feature will help, but dividing like that will make Term of Use configuration more complicated.
It would be grate if I can choose the library to which users affiliated in Bulk Change Due Date feature.

Ana Martínez Piñeiro commented
Totalmente de acuerdo. Deberíamos poder escoger los ejemplares que queremos cambiar de fecha usando cualquier criterio, también usando criterios relacionados con los usuarios que tienen esos ejemplares en préstamo, además de la única posibilidad que nos ofrece Alma, que es escoger usuarios por su grupo.
Do Nguyen commented
An image capturing Bulk Change Due Date feature may help you better understand my situation.