Display access rights' copyright statement when editing a representation
Optionally an access right policy in Alma can have a copyright statement associated with it.
When editing a representation in Alma, the existence of the copyright statement is not displayed to the user. The user can enter another copyright statement for the representation which overrides the one associated with the access rights policy.
I would expect that the copyright statement should at minimum, be displayed to the user so they do not have to guess if this is an access rights policy where they must also assign a copyright statement.
I had expected that it would show in the copyrights field, but be greyed out from editing. I am happy to hear if there are use cases for that from other institutions.
This behaviour could be improved by either:
1. showing the associated © statement in the field and making it uneditable
2. showing a © icon with tooltip displaying the statement name/content - in this scenario the user can at least make an informed decision as to whether they need to assign a copyright statement, or whether to override the associated one. Illustration: https://www.screencast.com/t/X9wXKcVsck0p