Ability to create sets from "Manage Deleted Repository" search
We would like the ability to create a set from a "Manage Deleted Repository" search.
Some vendors cannot use the "delete" files currently generated by Publishing Profiles. We would like to create sets (especially logical ones) from a "Manage Deleted Repository" search so that they can be attached to a Publishing Profile and help automate delete processes for these vendors rather than using an external script with the API and analytics.
This way, someone would only have to update the deleted date range of the set periodically, or even better, more search options and filters could be created for "Manage Deleted Repository" searches.
MeLCat (Michigan eLibrary) cannot use the delete files produced from a bibliographic export via the Publishing Profile. To work around this, libraries either write an external script to generate a MARC file with the needed information (item record number and barcode), or, 'flag' records with a process type which are published then later deleted. We do not have an employee who can code this script, and we have many people who perform large deletes in batch and using a process type would add unnecessary steps to all of their workflows when it should be automated. The ability to simply create a set of records from the "Manage Deleted Repository" would simplify and help automate the process.