"Create Physical Item Work Order" job - adding notes.
I would like to be able to include a note when bulk creating physical item work orders.
Notes can be added to individual work orders, but the ‘Create physical item work orders’ job doesn’t allow this – only the work order type, managing department, and pick/do not pick from shelf can be specified.
The use case is that we are correcting some of our call numbers, and the physical items will need to be relabeled. I would like those items currently on loan/in transit/in process to have work orders that send them to our repair department for relabeling when returned, with a note explaining that the spine label needs to be changed to match the catalogue.
For major projects and operational workflows we have created new specific managing departments and work order types, and for individual/small numbers we just add notes to clarify a generic work order. This type of case kind of falls in between – big enough not to want to add notes manually, but ad hoc enough not to want (yet) to set up a new work order type.