Improve po_line_remove_interested_users_job
The polineremoveinterestedusers job allows institutions to delete Interested Users from PO lines that have closed. However, there are many times when a PO line is closed before the item has left the department; consequently, running the polineremoveinterestedusers job means that interested users may be deleted before the item becomes available. Additionally, while the job removes the Interested Users from Alma, it does not remove the information from Analytics.
We request that:
A. Institutions have the ability to set a delay on the job based on the date the PO line was closed. (E.g., the job runs weekly, but only deletes Interested Users in PO lines that were closed X number of days ago);
B. The job is designed to run on PO lines that are closed but no longer in the department or in a work order (eliminating the risk that Interested Users will be deleted from a closed PO line before the item has left the department);
C. Interested Users that are deleted in PO lines are also scrubbed from Analytics.
Annelie Edelmann commented
We have the same problem of not being able to use this job as long as we cannot define a delay of X nbumber of days - as suggested. This idea is related to the following idea: