Moving item records should have a better way of refreshing the list of items
When item records are moved from one location to another the move will be made and the list of items will refresh but then leave all of the items moved still on the page. From here there is no good option to refresh the page and continue working and moving item records. Using the Alma back button takes you back to the bib record where you have to reenter the the list of items. Moving a page forward on the list of items will display a blank page of no records being found. If a browser refresh is done a blank page will be displayed then requiring the use of the browser back button which then displays an item record where you can cancel the action and then finally get the updated list of items with them moved. None of these options are user friendly but one of them must be done to get an updated list of items. The desired outcome would be, when an item is moved to a different location to refresh the page like normal but instead not display the already moved items.