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95 results found
Move the URL field to the top of the citation record preview screen
Currently, the link resolver "Check for Full Text" field appears at the very top of the citation record preview screen. However, the URL field appears near the bottom of a citation preview record. For certain publication types, especially grey literature, the link resolver links perform poorly. It would be ideal if the URL field appeared near the top of the record with the link resolver field to ensure end users discover it.
8 votes -
Add the ability for group members in a shared Project to leave feedback/messages for each other.
For example, I have a professor working with a group of students. They are all collaborating on a Project. The professor would like to leave feedback for the students regarding the references they are adding.
10 votes -
Refworks plugin available in Overleaf (LaTeX editor)
A direct plugin to insert bibliography from Refworks in Overleaf (like it's possible with others reference managers as Mendely, Zotero...)
12 votes -
Using Word Add-In and Plug-In with Track Changes and Comments
Many students are working on extensive research papers using RefWorks plug-in or add-in in Word. They work with a faculty, using Track Changes and comments (either through sharing or saving and sending).
There needs to be a section about how to safely use Track Changes with RefWorks. I had a student have a capstone paper really messed up and it was believed by tech support that track changes was the culprit.
This is how people work and collaborate, so we need to understand up front how to safely use RefWorks and Track Changes in a Word document.
A video would…8 votes -
Enable the change in date format from the US version of mm/dd/yyyy to the English version DD/MM/YYYY
11 votes -
Video records and APA format
APA format requires that author/director precede the video title. The record format in RefWorks only includes a director field. The APA format export places title before director and excludes the [video] of [film] part of the citation.
Please provide more metadata field options for video records and options to select video, film, etc.
2 votes -
For institutions with multiple users create a syncing system
Allow institutions to create accounts on behalf of users via Google.
Instead of having users create an account, admins simply provide users with the login and password for their account.
Support integration into the Clever application.1 vote -
Add Field "Author Address/Affiliation"
Could you please add a default field "Author Address/Affiliation" to each reference of New RefWorks as same as legacy version?
2 votes -
Automatically display bibliographies onto a website + allow for updates when citation list is updated.
Automatically display bibliographies onto a website + allow for updates when citation list is updated--RSS feed of citation lists but attractively displayed.
14 votes -
Modify the RIS file import from Scopus to recognize origin
When the automatic importing from Scopus was working, there was an icon indicating it was from Scopus. This does not happen with the importing from Scopus as an RIS. Can that Icon be added?
1 vote -
[New RefWorks] 나만의 출력스타일(Citation style) 공유하기 기능 추가해주세요 - Request for my custom citation styles share feature
Legacy 기존버전에서는 출력스타일/인용스타일을 백업 기능을 이용해서 다른 이용자와 공유할 수 있었습니다. 그런데 New RefWorks에서는 그 기능이 없어 불편합니다. 이용자끼리 '나만의 출력스타일'을 공유할 수 있도록 기능 추가해주세요.
The users can share the custom citation style by using back-up and restore function in Legacy, but New RefWorks is not. It was very useful feature. I want to share my custom style with my colleague not publish to the institutional style in public.
6 votesAs a workaround, custom own styles can be shared with all users at institution by an Admin. Own user styles can be shared with other users with help from Tech Support:
Being able to display a message to all users when they login
We made changes to one of our institutional styles and I wanted to have a message show to all users when they login. I am sure there are other things we would want to alert them to changes we have made to RefWorks. Messages could display until the user dismisses them.
23 votesWhile we investigate the development of this feature, you may request an in-app notification to be posted for your users by contacting Tech Support:
Añadir una campo personalizado. Add a custom field
Quisiera que el campo personalizado se vea igual que todos los demás campos, en todas las referencias: que esté a la vista cuando editas, sin tener que ir referencia por referencia, clicar “añadir más campos", buscarlo y rellenarlo. ¿Es posible hacer eso?
Add a custom field. I want the custom field to look the same as all the other fields, in all the references: to be visible when you edit, without having to go reference by reference, click "add more fields", search and fill it in. Is it possible to do that?3 votes -
Espacio muy estrecho al visualizar = Very narrow space when displaying
Cuando se visualiza una referencia, el espacio que se abre a la derecha, en vertical, es demasiado estrecho. ¿Se puede ampliar al doble, por lo menos?
When a reference is displayed, the space that opens to the right, vertically, is too narrow. Can it be expanded to at least double?
1 vote -
An localized icon image for OpenURLs (like Legacy RefWorks has)
Currently each citation in legacy RefWorks can be configured to include the institution's unique image in place of the OpenURL link. Not sure why this is not an option in New RefWorks
7 votes -
folder lock
Have an option to lock certain folders which prohibits articles being deleted from them. Would help from accidentally losing files.
4 votes -
Please bring back "My List" to the new RefWorks
Please bring back the "My List" function from legacy RefWorks. I realize you can create reference lists from folders or projects or if all the references you need appear on a single page (e.g., what you've just imported). But, what is missing is a way to create a temporary list of references you are working with without having to put them into another folder or project. For example, if you've written your paper and just need to add those last handful of references, there is no longer an efficient way to create that list while navigating between different pages and…
8 votes -
Enable generation and addition of an Open URL link to a custom citation style
We would like to be able to generate and add an open URL link to a custom citation style. In Legacy RefWorks, you are able to build a custom style with an Open URL but this is not possible in the new RefWorks because fields can not be defined in two different ways within the same style. We would like to use these URLs with our link resolver information when we are sending result sets to our patrons.
18 votes -
Enable Ask a Librarian chat widgets within RefWorks
Allow institutions to embed a LibChat or other chat service within the RefWorks interface
16 votes -
Enable stats at folder level
Enable stats at the folder level. If we make a folder of citations public, we can see how many view the folder. This would be really helpful!
At this point, we would have to use a link manager, like Bitly to count views. Having to add another platform, such as Bitly, to support our RefWorks-related needs is not ideal.
6 votes
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