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258 results found

  1. Primo VE: Campus facet

    For larger libraries, it would be helpful to have a Campus facet, as a superstructure to the Libraries facet (which can be very long). Unfortunately, this cannot currently be created as a local facet.

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  2. Primo VE: add option to mark all Display Fields for Search and Facet

    Primo VE has a standard out of the box mapping of Display Fields, Search Fields and Facets (see Customers cannot adapt or create Search fields and Facets. This is only possible now for Local Fields. I don't understand why this is not possible. Please provide options to mark Display Fields for Search and Facet and to create Search Fields and Facets, just like for Local Fields.

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  3. Changing the language in Primo should also update the preferred language in Alma

    We have a mix of users with different languages at our university, but we cannot get a reliable language setting from the SIS feed. Therefore it is important that the users can edit the language preference themself to get letters from the library in the correct language.

    Today, changing the language in Primo only changes the interface language in Primo, but we would like it to also update the preferred language in Alma.

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  4. Improve Browse by Subject (Primo VE)

    In Primo VE, only one of “vocabulary” is available - “Library of Congress Subject Headings.” The choice to use this “vocabulary” is automatically made for you when you choose “Browse by Library of Congress Subject.” The index “Library of Congress name authority records for 651” is not available through this search as it is through the Metadata Editor via Alma. Thus, many, many LC subject headings cannot actually be browsed in Primo VE. Example, you can find NO headings beginning with “Colombia – Commerce,” because there is no LC subject authority for “Colombia – Commerce” or for any further subdivision…

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  5. Ability to store test records for Primo VE

    When you test normalization rules for external data sources in Primo VE, you need to upload your test record from your computer every time you make a change in the NR. It should be possible to store sample records for easier testing

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  6. Hover-over article abstract in PRIMO VE

    Currently, patrons need to go into the full article record from the brief results page to read abstracts.We would like to suggest that PRIMO VE provide the user with a hover-over article abstract on the brief results page so patrons can skim abstracts before going into the full record.

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  7. Add filter for "Available Now" (i.e. not checked out etc.) to Availability filter/facet

    The Availability filter/facet in Primo VE currently includes options to limit by "Available online" and "Held by library". It would be helpful if these options could be further refined to enable filtering to materials that are actually currently fully available/accessible -- for example, not checked out to another user or in another out-of-library processing status. This is functionality that I see in other library catalogs, especially for electronic resources/ebook collections.

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  8. Display number of loans in item record (Primo VE).

    It can be useful if Primo VE display the number of loans per item under the get It section.

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  9. Primo VE: Ability to use norm rules to specify which 856 (Marc) fields display in Links service

    In Primo Back Office (BO), it is possible to use normalization rules to specify which 856 Marc fields display in the "Links" section of the Primo full record view. (See attached screenshot.)

    We would like the same functionality in Primo VE to choose which 856 links to display based on the 856 first and second indicators and/or the subfields of the 856 field. Thank you.

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    18 comments  ·  Primo VE  ·  Admin →
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    Hi all,

    This is to update that we plan to develop this option in the future. It is not in the current roadmap for this year, and we will update as soon as we have more details about the development planning.

    Best regards,


  10. Primo VE: Allow Exclusion of Institution Zone only records from Discovery Network/NZ Scope

    In consortial environments, the Network Scope includes Institution Zone only records such as laptops, keys, etc.

    We would like the capability to exclude IZ only records from a Discovery Network scope so that we can display only records that are NZ bibs, not local IZ with no NZ bibs.

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  11. Improve the Cite them Right Harvard CSL file to correct errors

    Cite them Right Harvard does not display correctly. I have a 2 page list of errors! e.g. Surname, First name, when it should be Surname, initial. In journals the publisher appears.
    Please work with Cite them Right Online to fix this as it is used by multiple libraries in the UK.

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  12. Cambiar la prioridad de las portadas en Primo VE

    Las portadas de Primo se intentan extraer desde el servicio de Syndetics y Google, si el servicio de Syndetics tiene una portada disponible se muestra esta y no la de Google. Por este motivo, por ejemplo, en alma se visualiza una portada de Google y en Primo una de Syndetics.

    Primo VE no tiene la opción de desactivar o cambiar la prioridad de las portadas, por lo que para solucionar este problema se necesitaría que se pueda activar o desactivar la prioridad de las portadas.

    Esperamos que esta idea resulte de interés a todos los usuarios de PRIMO VE y…

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  13. 189 votes

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  14. Configure fields included in Course Information

    We would like to be able to modify the default configuration of Course Information field displayed in the details view of the full record in Primo VE, adding to or deleting the default elements (Course ID, Department Name, Course Instructor Name) or changing their order. For example, an institution may want to include only Course ID and Instructor Name but not Department Name here. This is not currently possible.

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    This is to update that this issue is still not planned to be developed in the current road map. We will continue to evaluate it for a future release.

    Therefore we are keeping this under "Under review" status.

    Best regards,


  15. Do Not Highlight Stop Words in the Results of a Keyword Search

    There is no value to highlighting words in the search results of a keyword search that were considered STOP words when the search was conducted.

    Words such as AND, THE, OR, IN, TO, etc., provide no value on their own and should not be highlighted. Not only does highlighting them add visual noise to the search results, it sends the wrong message to users about how to construct a strong search string.

    As the screenshot shows, the highlighting is only adding noise.

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  16. Display 6XX fields with $v form subdivisions intact

    Primo VE is configured to map 6XX $v form subdivisions to a separate display field, breaking the subject string. In some cases, the form subdivision is plucked out of the 6XX, leaving the surrounding string incomplete. For example:

    600 10 $aO'Keeffe, Georgia, $d1887-1986 $vExhibitions
    displays in Primo VE as:

    Subject O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986

    Genre Exhibitions

    651 #0 $aRome (Italy) $vMaps $vEarly works to 1800
    displays in Primo VE as:

    Subject Rome (Italy)

    Genre Maps
    Early works to 1800

    And so on, for all 6XX $v form subdivisions. This cannot be reconfigured. Additionally, each occurrence of the form subdivision is displayed…

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  17. Control Purchase Request Display in Primo by Material Type

    Using display logic rules there is no easy way to show the Purchase Request link based on material type. We want to enable the purchase request link for ebooks, but not ejournals. I did come up with a hackey workaround by creating a GES that only does the identification of the journal and then a display logic rule to hide the purchase request if this GES is present, but there seems like there should be a better way to do this?

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  18. Improve Display Logic in Alma Uresolver to show all variant coverage statements in a collapsed menu

    Ideally, Alma should be able to display ALL unique variant coverage statements when showing a collapsed menu.

    If a library uses the Display Logic rules to for example show Proquest as an option only once in a services menu, this works very well where a journal may be in 12 Proquest databases with the same coverage.

    However, when the coverage varies significantly between these databases, Alma uresolver will still just show one of the coverage statements and a user will only see a subset of holdings and believe this is all the library has. (eg Nursing standard in Proquest is…

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