Primo VE: Allow Exclusion of Institution Zone only records from Discovery Network/NZ Scope
In consortial environments, the Network Scope includes Institution Zone only records such as laptops, keys, etc.
We would like the capability to exclude IZ only records from a Discovery Network scope so that we can display only records that are NZ bibs, not local IZ with no NZ bibs.

Debbie Campbell commented
This remains important to the libraries in our consortium. Thanks!
Christopher Thomas commented
In our consortium, only OCLC records are added to the NZ. Our IZ includes many non-OCLC vendor supplied bibliographic records, not just laptops and keys. When our users search with the consortium level scope, I don't think they would expect the non-OCLC records to be excluded.
Julia Venetis commented
This would be very useful to our library!
Manu Schwendener commented
- commented
I strongly support - wish I had more votes to spend !
Jesse Kruppa (UCR) commented
+3, this is an issue at the UC Library system as well.
Caroline Reul commented
Ben Tucker commented
Katy commented
This change is critical!
Hilary Robbeloth commented
This is essential.
Cassandra Palmore commented
Amy Thompson commented
Jesse Holden commented
This is critical functionality for consortia.
Julia Bynum-Lewis commented
Agreed! If I could use 20 of my votes, I would.
summer commented
Evan Lantzy commented
Robert Perret commented
This is a real issue of functionality and needs to be fixed.
Carol Drost commented
Laura Zeigen commented
Sheralyn Bassett commented