Primo VE: Ability to use norm rules to specify which 856 (Marc) fields display in Links service
In Primo Back Office (BO), it is possible to use normalization rules to specify which 856 Marc fields display in the "Links" section of the Primo full record view. (See attached screenshot.)
We would like the same functionality in Primo VE to choose which 856 links to display based on the 856 first and second indicators and/or the subfields of the 856 field. Thank you.

Hi all,
This is to update that we plan to develop this option in the future. It is not in the current roadmap for this year, and we will update as soon as we have more details about the development planning.
Best regards,
Petra Gratzl commented
Dear Yael,
Hope for this development to be realized soon. Can you maybe give more information on the timeline? Thank you!
KR Petra -
Veronika Leitner commented
Hi Yael,
can we expect this development for 2025? Seeing as this is a really old idea that has been under review since 2021 it would be great to finally see it realized!
Nicholas Pavlovic commented
Marilou Hinchcliff commented
We would also like the ability to specify that NO 856 fields display in Links service. Since there is a link higher in the full view, our e-resources librarian says "as a matter of e-resource management, we shouldn’t be having redundant links" because then she has to manage/update them in 2 places.
Stacey van Groll commented
This is on my list of dealbreakers for not moving from BO to VE. We should not have to give up functionality and autonomy to move to the latest-but-often-not-better system of VE. Why should we have to state to our patrons that we moved to a system where we have no ability to do something so basic as remove links from our own environment for our own records?
There is no benefit of the sales pitch of simplicity for VE if all it means is that you can't configure your environment any more. It's ridiculous that for a core access service such as Primo, VE does not give the ability for library staff to curate the links which their users see.
This includes both 856 for View It and also the Links section.
This is another case where Ex Libris thinks they know better and that more is better than less, but they don't have to deal with the patron complaints. -
Humber Libraries commented
This is critical functionality because users just click on links. Users don't care that the link doesn't work because the proxy isn't included, they just are frustrated.
Nicholas Pavlovic commented
This would also help Summon over Alma customers as this piece of the Alma Services Page is based off Primo VE architecture. Case 06602563
"It turns out that it is not currently possible to configure the 856$u links through Alma's Discovery configuration. This is true for both Primo VE and Summon over Alma. The links will always display by default, and it is not possible to add a proxy prefix or to configure them not to display."
Manu Schwendener commented
Hi Nili, can I ask where we stand with this?
'Under review' since March 2021.
(We'd like to use the normalization rule on 856 for something else than just suppressing the field, this is how I landed here.)
> In Primo Back Office it is possible ...
A parity issue, then.
Manu Schwendener commented
Did not make it through round two of NERS.
Bas Vat commented
Would be very helpful voor UBL
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 7893, round two open for voting now.
Manu Schwendener commented
Crystal Clements commented
This is needed. How will users know which link to use in shared consortial records? They will be so frustrated with clicking through useless links, and we can't just not link to resources at all as a solution to that problem.
Adam Schiff commented
This is an important functionality that should have been included in VE from the very beginning. It's mindboggling why it would be removed in the new version.
Erin Grant commented
There are so many different kinds of links - some useful/some not, some institution-specific/some not, etc. - in 856 in both P and E records. A greater ability for customers to customize their display at the IZ level using indicators (especially 2nd), regexp, or (preferably) a mix of both is absolutely CRUCIAL for user experience. We can't just throw 4-8 links of varying usefulness and applicability to users for every resource. There are some links (e.g. to archival finding aids on P records) that we need to display to users, but we don't want them lost in a sea of other links. An all-or-nothing link display approach is just not robust enough for most institutions in this regard. Please, please, please develop a way for institutions to more selectively display these links.
Diana Brooking commented
Since we are pulling shared records from a bib utility on a daily basis into our Network Zone, there are all kinds of 856 fields added to the bibs, even locally proxied urls that people aren't supposed to put in the shared records. It is pretty essential to be able to control display of bib 856s in order to provide the least frustrating experience to the user possible. And controlling display is way more labor effecient that grooming each bib record.
Mark E. Braden commented
It's baffling to see "_4" interpreted as a URL intended for public display, if the 856 is merely present in a bibliographic record.
If this is an intended behavior in VE, it seems to assume that one would craft a MARC record so it contains only data intended for public display (in one or another section).
I'm accustomed to using the Discovery tool (which I see in VE and Primo for other fields) requiring specific coding, to make it part of the public display.
Because 856 links may point to resources that require license, or other 'walls', what use case of common behavior in libraries would compel me to accept any 856 in public display?
Many thanks for your efforts.
Israel Yanez commented
Our consortium is currently participating in Go VE. Many campuses in our consortium use local extension 956 as a direct equivalent to MARC 856. Is there any chance the local field 956 could be added to this review for inclusion in the Links section?
Marcus Jun commented
Here's an example
Primo permalink Bibliographic Record
856 40 |u 40 |3 EBSCOhost |u
856 40 |3 OverDrive |u
856 4_ |3 Excerpt |u
856 4_ |3 Image |u{F8EC0098-E7E7-4D4A-9742-4F355E97D342}Img100.jpg
BY Z commented
You can use 1st indicator; 4 if you want the link to display, any other value if you don't want the link to display.